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Range Rules

FAA Waiver for KLOUDBusters launches

The waiver for KLOUDBusters launches is 50,000' AGL. Extended altitude arrangements above 20,000' up to 50,000' must be made with prior approval from the KLOUDBusters BOD. These approvals must be submitted at least 30 days in advance of the launch. The form for KLOUDBusters BoD approvals may be found at Kloudbuster High Altitude Application (MS-Word Document).


Aluminum Rockets at Argonia

Rockets launched at Argonia may not be constructed of all aluminum or any other metals. Aluminum fin cans or nose cones will be permitted only if required to ensure structural integrity of the rocket during a high-performance launch. Absolutely no aluminum airframes or fins attached directly to motor cases will be permitted under any circumstances. Please contact the KLOUDbusters Prefect for further details.


Multi-Stage Rules

KLOUDBusters has specific restrictions implemented for multi-stage rockets flown at Argonia. Please refer to the KLOUDBusters Rules for Multi-Staged Rockets.

FAA Class 3 Rockets 
A Class 3 rocket is defined as any amateur rocket propelled by a motor (or motors) totaling more than 40,960 Newton-Seconds of thrust (a “P” motor or greater). In addition to the normal submission to the Tripoli C3RC and acquisition of a project specific COA, Class 3 projects must submit the KB Class 3 Project Submission Form (MS-Word Document) at least 30 days in advance of the planned launch for evaluation and approval.

UAS (R/C Aircraft) Rules

Any person who plans to fly any type of remotely controlled aircraft at the Rocket Pasture must contact a minimum of 14 days prior to the launch date. All R/C flyers will be required to sign and submit the RC Aircraft Flyer Agreement prior to beginning operation.

Use of "Sparky" Motors
Due to the often times dry conditions of the Rocket Pasture, the use of "Sparky" motors is not allowed. The exception to this rule is when the fields have been plowed and launches can take place off of bare dirt. We will make formal announcements when sparky motors are allowed.

Important information that applies to all launches:
  • At all KLOUDBusters launches, youth flyers and all flyers flying 'G' impulse and under fly free.
  • The waiver for all KLOUDBusters launches is 50,000' AGL. Flights planned to exceed 20,000' AGL require prior approval from the KLOUDBusters Prefect - High Altitude Application Here. Contact the Kloudbusters Prefect for further details.
  • Please bring proper ID and Certification information (TRA Card) to all launches.
  • There are all popular sizes of launch rods and rails available. We have many 6' and 12' standard 1010 and 1515 rails. We have one tower mounted Unistrut rail. If you require a Unistrut, please contact us prior to arriving.
  • Projects requiring Hypertek or other hybrid systems support should contact Star Rocketry for advance planning of your launch.